1. Ireland has a mild maritime climate. While the snowfall is relatively rare for a country so far north, Ireland does recieve over 100 inches of rain per year in some areas. Plan for rain wherever you go.
2. Less than 5% of the Irish are fluent in Irish Gaelic.
3. Ireland's train system has gaps, so it is usually better (cheaper) to buy train and bus tickets one at a time, rather than a railpass.
4. One-third of Ireland's population lives in Dublin (approx. 1.5 million people)
5. The River Liffey runs through the center of Dublin.
6. Many of the long streets in Dublin change names every few blocks.
7. Pickpocketing is common in Dublin, so wear a money belt.
8. The two most popular sports in Ireland are hurling and Gaelic football.
9. Doolin is a town known as the mecca for Irish musicians.
10. "Sinn Fein" means "ourselves" and is the name of a political party that lobbied for Irish independence.
11. There are a lot of Polish immigrants to Ireland, as well as from other eastern European countries.
12. June 12-16 is Bloomsday in Dublin. Bloomsday is a festival celebrating the life and works of writer James Joyce.
13. In Ireland (as well as most of Europe), commas are decimal points and vice versa. EXAMPLE: a dollar + fifty cents = 1,50.....there are 5.280 feet in a mile.
14. When pointing, you're for some reason supposed to use use your whole hand, palm down. But try not to look like a Nazi.
15. What Americans call the 2nd floor of a building is called the 1st floor in Europe.
16. The Dublin Spire is also known as "The Stiffy by the Liffey", and nothing in the city can by built higher than it.
17. Dublin becomes moer expensive as you get closer to the touristy Temple Bar area.
18. Internet cafes are common in Dublin.
19. Trinity College has long been Ireland's most prestigious college.
20. And now for some Irish-Gaelic Words and Phrases!
A. Failte (FAHLT-shuh)=Welcome
B. Conas ta tu? (CONN-us A-thaw too)= How are you?
C. Go raibh maith agat (guh riv muh AG-ut)= Thank You
D. Slan (slawn) = Bye
E. Taim sugach! (taw im SOO-gakh) = I'm tipsy!
F. Slainte (SLAWN-chuh/SLAWN-tuh)= Cheers
G. Gall (gaul) = foreigner
H. Cill (kill) = church
I. Caislean(CASH-loin) = castle
J. Garda (gard-uh) = police
K. Leithras (LEH-hrass)= toilets
L. Teach (chockh) = house
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